Monday, April 28, 2008

An Introduction

A very warm welcome I extend to my faithful readers. Why this blog? Such a question is subjective. This here blog’s purpose is to introduce my self to the blogging community and hopefully to learn more on the mystical world of blogging. I will be commenting on current publishing issues that is plaguing the professional arena. It is my greatest wish to be able to get in touch with my fellow bloggers, professional journalist, professionals in the publishing world and not forgetting my beloved and respected lecturer Miss Jenny Heng who will be assessing this oh so quaint blog.

Besides, I will be discussing a few issues namely the impact blogs are making on the community, the various blogging communities that exist, the difference that exist between designing for an online webpage and designing for a printed sheet and finally the new forms of media that exists in today’s technologically driven world.

Here’s to a great read to all.


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